

Act I
We are taken to a rocky shore where the Norwegian seafarer Daland has sought refuge from a storm with his ship and his crew. While they are sleeping, a ship with red sails appears in the bay. Its captain emerges and tells his story. He is the cursed Dutchman who must sail the seas forever, only let ashore once every seven years. If he can find a woman who is faithful unto death to him, he can escape his fate, but this hope seems frail. Daland enters his ship to find out who this stranger is. When the Dutchman discovers that the Norwegian lives nearby, he offers him a box of jewels if he can stay the night. Daland accepts it hungrily. Seeing these riches, he does not think twice in granting the Dutchman his daughter’s hand in marriage. Having settled these matters, the two ships prepare to depart.


一艘挪威船為了躲避海上突如其來的暴風雨,暫時駛進挪威南部的峽灣海港中避難,船長達朗德指揮水手們安定船隻,待風雨過後再行出發。他吩咐舵手留守在甲板上觀察後續狀況,便和其他水手下船艙休息。舵手為了打發時間、同時避免自己打瞌睡,於是唱起思念家鄉情人的短歌,但沒多久,就因體力不支而陷入夢鄉。 就在此時,一艘有著血紅色大帆、漆黑色船桅、看來氣氛詭異的船隻逐漸靠近挪威船,這就是傳說中的「幽靈船」。待幽靈船停妥後,船上走下一位面容憔悴蒼白的男子,他就是受上天詛咒的荷蘭船長;荷蘭船長感嘆自己受上天的命運,雖然他曾嘗試以自殺、或是將船開向礁石猛力撞擊,但都達不到解脫的效果,因為上天所賜予他的,就是「求生不得、求死不能」的長期折磨。他何嘗不希望能夠找到一位真心愛他的女子,但是這麼多年來(註:荷蘭船長在海上已經漂流了不知有多少個年頭)他早就不抱任何希望,現在他只祈求永恆的毀滅、一了百了。 挪威船長達朗德休息過後,回到甲板上視察狀況,卻見到旁邊停了一艘氣氛鬼魅的大船、還有一位面容憔悴的男子。他詢問起對方的來歷,荷蘭船長幽幽地說:他來自遙遠不知名的地方,這次上岸只求再次尋得一位真心愛他的女子。同時荷蘭船長也問到:達朗德是否願意邀請他到家中小歇一番?如果願意的話,荷蘭船長將有金銀珠寶相贈。達朗德眼見財寶當前,滿心歡喜就答應了下來;而荷蘭船長又提出了第二個請求:達朗德家中是否有女兒?有的話,可否引見介紹,或許能牽成一段姻緣,到時荷蘭船長身上的詛咒就可破解。達朗德心想,他只不過是為了避海上風雨來此暫歇,卻意外地撿到了一筆財富和這位「準女婿」,於是他也滿口答應將從中搓合。 此時挪威船上的舵手高喊「南風再起!」,於是水手們忙著收錨啟航回家,在挪威船長的帶領下,荷蘭船長的幽靈船也尾隨在後,前往達朗德家中「提親」
Act II
At home, Daland’s daughter Senta is so captivated by a painting of the legendary Flying Dutchman that she plain forgets her spinning. Teased by her friends, the girl tells them the tragic story about the man who must roam the seas forever unless he finds true, eternal love. Senta is interrupted in her romantic tale by Erik, who has come to announce the arrival of her father’s ships. He has overheard Senta’s last remark that she would like to save the Dutchman, and is not pleased, seeing that he would like to marry Senta himself. But she is true to the man of her dreams. Daland and the Dutchman enter, and the girl and the cursed captain become transfixed as they see destiny in each other’s eyes. Her father, pleased that he has found such a wealthy suitor for his daughter, blesses their betrothal.


村莊裡的女孩們齊聚在達朗德船長家中,在珊塔的奶媽瑪麗的帶領下,忙著紡紗織布,等待水手們的歸來。珊塔在一旁望著牆上荷蘭船長的畫像出神,奶媽要珊塔不要浪費青春時光在一幅畫像上面,其他的女孩們則是半開玩笑地嘲弄著珊塔,「居然會為一幅畫多愁善感!」而珊塔則是不服氣地唱出一段「敘事曲」,告訴大家有關荷蘭船長的傳說故事:一位被上天詛咒的航海人,必須在海上不斷漂泊,每七年才有一次上岸機會,如果他遇見一位真心愛他的女子,詛咒將會解除。珊塔愈唱愈投入,最後竟當眾宣佈:她就是那位解救荷蘭船長不幸命運的女子!眾人一聽,大為吃驚。 此時,獵人艾瑞克進來通報挪威船返回的消息,女孩們則是忙著準備迎接水手們的工作,只留下珊塔與艾瑞克兩人。艾瑞克對珊塔癡情已久,始終未獲得珊塔的具體回應,而珊塔的父親又嫌艾瑞克出身低、只是一名獵人,並不贊成兩人的交往,而當艾瑞克聽見珊塔又當眾宣佈即將要獻身解救荷蘭船長,讓艾瑞克更加氣餒。不過艾瑞克也向珊塔提出一項「警訊」:他說自己做了一個夢,夢見有一天來了一艘異國船隻,船靠岸後上來了兩位男子,一位是珊塔的父親德朗德,另外一位則是身穿黑衣、面容憂愁的外國人,珊塔則是熱情地上前擁抱外國船長,而後兩人還搭船離去。珊塔為著艾瑞克的夢感到欣喜不已,這表示她之前所預感的果真沒錯;艾瑞克聞言大為驚恐,他在憤怒與傷心之下匆忙離去,只留下珊塔一個人望著荷蘭船長的畫像繼續沉思。 就在這個時候,達朗德也帶著荷蘭船長悄悄地進門來,珊塔無意間回過頭看見他們,嚇了一跳。她趕忙問起父親,這位異國男士是誰?達朗德則是熱心地為珊塔與荷蘭船長相互介紹,他告訴珊塔這是一位「既慷慨、又富有的男士」,同時他也向荷蘭船長稱讚自己的女兒是「世間少見、又美麗、又善良的女孩」,他肯定珊塔絕對會是荷蘭船長眼中最好的選擇。當達朗德在遊說「雙方當事人」的同時,珊塔和荷蘭船長彼此的目光卻一直停留在對方身上,而達朗德則是識趣地暫時迴避,讓這「小倆口」單獨交談。荷蘭船長與珊塔相互注視了一段時間,兩人心中都留下了深刻的印象,荷蘭船長認定珊塔就是他的救贖天使,而珊塔也熱情地宣告:她將獻出永恆的忠貞與愛情,來征服撒旦的魔咒。 當達朗德再次回來的時候,原本陌生的小倆口,似乎成了相知相惜的終生伴侶,而達朗德也興奮地擁著珊塔和「準女婿」,歡喜參加宴會去。
At the shore, villagers and seamen celebrate the safe return of the ship. They call to the Dutchman’s crew to partake in their festivities, but their ship is silent. As they start taunting the crewmen, however, these reply in a mocking chorus. Erik arrives on the heels of Senta, pleading with her to remember their love. As the Dutchman overhears this, he thinks she has been unfaithful. He announces to everyone who he is, boards his ship, and departs. Senta, faithful unto death, runs up on a cliff and throws herself into the sea. With this self sacrifice, the Flying Dutchman is redeemed, and his ship can be seen taking off into the sky, carrying both him and his faithful love.



挪威水手在平安歸來之後,和心愛的女孩們在碼頭舉行慶祝酒宴,他們也邀請同樣停在岸邊的荷蘭船水手加入他們;他們向荷蘭船呼喚多次,均未獲得回音,於是開始懷疑這就是傳說中的「幽靈船」。頃刻間,岸邊風浪大作,荷蘭船上傳出鬼魅般的歌聲,挪威水手試著以快樂的飲酒歌聲壓過對方,但最後終被荷蘭船上的幽靈歌聲佔了上風,挪威水手在恐懼中一哄而散。 隨後珊塔與艾瑞克上場。艾瑞克不相信珊塔竟然答應一位素未謀面的男子的求婚,他請求珊塔回心轉意,不要忘記當年曾經許下的相愛諾言,但珊塔心意已決,婉拒了艾瑞克的要求。就在倆人言談之間,荷蘭船長悄悄登場,他以為珊塔背叛了拯救他的誓言,在心灰意冷之際,準備再次起航,繼續漂泊的生活,而珊塔為了證明自己的忠貞與愛意,她攀上岸邊一塊高聳的礁岩,縱身跳下海中,和荷蘭船長的幽靈船一同沉沒大海。在一陣洶湧狂濤之後,海面上浮起了荷蘭船長與珊塔相擁的身影,昇天而去。


(The libretto, written by the composer, is based on Heinrich Heine‘s telling of the story, but the romantic twist was added by Wagner – that great Romantic – himself. In a note, Richard Wagner writes of well-being hearing the rhythm in sailor’s chants, which later became and inspiration for the opera. The Flying Dutchman was first shown on the stage in Dresden in 1843.)



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